Seminar Internasional “Best Practices Program Gizi Anak Sekolah” di Asia Tenggara
#REPOST-✨SEAMEO RECFON in collaboration with Universitas Ahmad Dahlan organised an “International Seminar on School Lunch Programmes in Southeast Asia: Best Practices and Lessons” to Address Regional Nutrition Challenges✨
This seminar was conducted in Amphitarium, Campus IV Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta and in addition to speakers from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan representing Indonesia’s perspective, the seminar featured speakers from Cambodia, Singapore, and the Philippines, who also serve as members of the SEAMEO RECFON Governing Board.
Alongside their contributions to the seminar, these experts also joined fellow Governing Board members from 11 other SEAMEO member countries for their annual Governing Board Meeting, held this year in Yogyakarta.
School lunch programs are very important to the school community, as evidence from all four countries shows. However, its implementation faces challenges, mainly coming from the complex interplay between stakeholder responsibilities.
While all four speakers emphasized the importance of shared responsibility, understanding and fulfilling their respective roles remains a challenge. Ultimately, the success of these programs depends on collaborative efforts involving schools, parents and other stakeholders, who recognize that education is a shared responsibility.